When in the market for medical aid, you will want to ensure that you make the best decision that covers all your needs at that stage of your life. Find one that cares about your needs if you are overweight or need to quit smoking. So what exactly do you look for?
Are you just starting with a new job? Are you young and single? Are you a part of a new couple? Are you planning to have a baby soon? Are you a more mature couple, with children that are past the growing pains stage? Or perhaps your needs are based on chronic illness? Do you need hospital cover only or would you need general practitioner visits as well?
In researching various medical aids I have found Fedhealth to have tailor-made packages for all the above. Each package has been carefully thought out to cover you for a particular stage of life. If you are starting out and need a medical aid based on your salary and affordability. Your health is still good so your requirements will be more for emergency-based. An entry-level package will cover selected general practitioner and selected hospital cover.
Fedhealth Packages
Fedhealth offers packages such as Blu Door Plus, an entry-level package based on your salary.
The Maxima range has 8 policy ranges. Starting from a basic hospital plan to the most comprehensive cover in the Maxima Exec policy. The Ultimax packed is for the more mature person with maximum benefits
At the next stage, you are part of a couple and planning to have a child. You will need cover that will take care of your maternity expenses and supports your journey into parenthood. When the child becomes part of the family you need to add on and still afford the premium. At this stage, you need specialist visits and hospitalisation. Every parent-to-be needs to know that you can rest easy in the event of baby coming in sooner than expected.
When you are a more mature couple, there is also a package that suits these needs. With age comes the need for more chronic cover. A more extensive hospital cover. Or perhaps you have reached the stage where you can afford better medical comprehensive cover.
For an older couple, you will need a package that is fully comprehensive with maximum benefits. A package that covers all your essential needs at this stage. An unexpected heart attack, more screening visits can be expensive without the necessary cover.
If it is hospital cover only or the most comprehensive cover that you need. With entry-level packages that start from below R1000 up to packages that cover all your needs at R10 000, you will find one to suit your lifestyle. Whether your needs are based on just you, your partner, your children or your income and age Fedhealth will have you covered.