Genesis Medical Aid has been around since 1995. Genesis is rated in the top five medical schemes. The best value for money rating was given to the Private Choice option for the last 3 consecutive years. The options are simple and you have a choice of four options, the Private Choice, Private, Private Plus, Comprehensive option. This is the ideal choice for entry-level buyers and the middle to high-income bracket. They are said to have low monthly contributions on child dependents making it the ideal choice for big families. Any unused Medical Savings is carried over to the next year.

If you are looking for a hospital plan only then you have two choices: Private and Private Choice option. This covers in-hospital cover and emergency hospital admissions. You may use any private hospital and doctor or medical specialist in South Africa. There are no network specific hospitals and doctors.

Private Choice option

This offers unlimited in-hospital plan and all hospital-related accounts at any hospital. It covers basic dentistry and your major medical illness. There is no Medical Savings on this option. And no day-to-day cover.

Private Options

This offers the same at the private choice but now includes your MRI and CT scans as well as diagnostic scopes. It also includes dialysis and mental health. Ideal for big families that require a hospital plan only.

If you are looking for comprehensive cover then the Private Plus and the Private Comprehensive plans are for you. Both plans have day-to-day cover with the medical savings account. There is a separate cover for consultations. You are allowed to use any private hospital and doctor or medical specialist.

Private Plus

The Private Plus is the improvement of the private option but has now included medical savings. It excludes the medication benefit. This is paid out of your savings account. Basic dentistry is also included

The Private Comprehensive

The Private Comprehensive is as the name suggests a comprehensive medical plan. This offers all the requirements of a medical aid. Hospital cover, medical savings, medication and consultations. This plan is ideal for big families. Here too you may choose any hospital in South Africa.


The shortfalls and pay-ins come about when you have doctors that charge more than one hundred and two hundred percent of the medical rate. Genesis seems to be a very simple medical aid. There are no loyalty programmes



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