momentum medical aidMomentum is currently the fourth largest provider of medical aids plans in South Africa. They have a member base of 90 000.

Momentum Multiply is a wellness programme

Adventure Boot Camp is targeted at the adult female and is four-week courses that offer health and fitness activities. This way they can earn points. There are sports programmes targeted at males. For children, there are fitness challenges staged at different intervals. If you cannot make any of these there is free online access to fitness routines provided by FitTrack. To top all that if exercise is not for you, they provide you with a free pedometer that can earn you points.

HealthSaver helps you make provisions for your vitamins.

Momentum has 6 options

Ingwe option

The Ingwe option offers hospital cover of a limited amount at any of Ingwe’s Network of private hospitals or at a public hospital for a lower premium. You get chronic treatment and day-to-day benefits from Ingwe’ s prescribed doctor list.

Impact Option

Impact offers you unlimited hospital cover at the selected network hospitals. You have a different list of Impact Network providers for your doctor visits and medicine, including your chronic benefits.

The Health Platform benefit covers your preventative screening tests and maternity programmes.

Custom Option

There is no limit to the hospital usage. You may choose to access any hospital or doctor. Or for a lower contribution, you may choose to use the state hospital. For increased cover, you can choose the Momentum HealthSaver, and earn extra general practitioner visits.

Incentive option

The incentive option has no annual limit for hospitalisation in private hospitals. Here again, you may choose to go to any hospital or for a lower contribution go to the designated hospitals. The Health Platform will cover your day-to-day expenses. The incentive option takes 10% of your contribution towards your medical savings account.

Extender Option

This plan offers the same with regards to your hospital and doctor benefits, the Health Platform benefits are still applicable. The difference, however, is that now 25% of your contribution goes to your saving.

Summit Option

The Summit option is the best option of the range. There is no limit to hospital usage. It covers an extensive hospital plan, day-to-day and chronic medication can be obtained from any doctor.

Health Platform, HealthSaver and Momentum Health returns benefits are applicable on this option as well.

As you can see, the options are very simple and easy to understand. Lower packages allow mainly hospital cover. You have a choice in which hospital or doctor to, the add-ons add value to the options. The is an extremely flexible medical aid.

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