Spesbona is a one of a kind medical administration service that provides processing services to help find medical funding solutions for members. Spesbona provides a variety of services that will benefit their members, and this includes micromanagement, reduced medicine costs, and dental benefits.
Micromanagement is some of the most important functions of Spesbona. They do not simply pay your accounts on your behalf, they look at all the claims in detail and assess whether they are accurate and according to the guidelines. They will liaise with you, to find the best outcome and payment structure, while keeping in mind what might happen in future. They also liaise with your medical aid, so that they can save you money where possible and help you to receive the best possible outcome.
The cost of medicine is continually rising and Spesbona works to reduce this for you as much as possible. They have secured a great deal with various medical aid companies that will suit almost everyone’s pocket. This will allow you to save money and have more available for the times you need it most. They also take care of emergency expenses, as there are a lot of misunderstandings surrounding this. This is usually a time of emotions and this can lead to improper decision making. They liaise with all the parties on your behalf to make sure that you are treated fairly and cost-effectively when you need it.
Dental benefits are essential and they ensures that you are covered. They have been developing software that can help them in assessing dental claims and help with pre-authorizations on your behalf. This is very successful and large medical schemes are using this to control their cost. They are saving money for their members wherever possible.
Consultations with your doctor should also be favourable and a good rate is essential. They will find out regarding available doctors in your area and let you know, so that you can make informed decisions. This is another way of helping you make the most out of your money. Spesbona can also save members money via their own procurement processes and this is a great benefit for all members to have. They will also filter out any unnecessary treatments to save you money in the process. This is very helpful, as medical costs are always rising and you need to save where you can.
If you are sick or in an accident, your negotiating skills are not perfect, which is why they will see to it that negotiations are done on your behalf to ensure you get the treatment you require. Whether it is for a consultation or the use of medical equipment, they will negotiate everything on your behalf. When medical bills need to be analyzed, they will do this on your behalf to ensure accuracy and affordability.